I've been interested for a while in marrying Call of Cthulhu with FATE. Still haven't looked around to see if it's already been done, but it seems like a natural fit.
In particular, I like the way Trail of Cthulhu distinguishes between investigative skills and general skills. It seems like treating investigative skills similar to aspects might be a fun way to make a character.
Similar to Trail, all the investigative skills are divvied up between the players, and then used without rolling dice. If you have the relevant investigative skill, and are involved in the scene, you get the clue. Instead of treating the skills like pools, FATE points could be used when it's possible to get some extra result above and beyond the clue.
General skills would be handled in a more traditional FATE fashion. However, since sanity is such an important part of Cthulhu, it might be good to add some extra mechanical weight to sanity. Consequences might work, particularly if the GM could use free tags to really play up the consequence.